Sunday, January 27, 2008

For The Pains That Merely Subsided

It has been so long since I last post anything on my blog. Last time nak update pasal hari raya with kakak and Azalea. But tak terbuat, busy and tak de mood sangat.

Pastu, just when I have mood to update my blog. Modem broadband yang beli mahal gilos tuh, siap dgn wireless bagai kena sambar petir before Awal Muharam. Aduuuhhh… Then papa sibuk pulak nak unsubscribe streamyx. Sebab nanti 2 bulan pantang maybe tak guna langsung streamyx sebab pantang umah nenek. Mama pun dah submit ‘my long delayed work’. So streamyx use tak kritikal sangat. Lagipun mama macam teringin wireless broadband…ehehehhe…

Sekarang ni pulak tgh MC kat umah. So papa belikan mama new broadband modem start mama MC hari tuh. Unfortunately, (kali ni betul-betul salah mama), kena sambar petir lagi.. Nasib la masa kejadian, laptop Dell tuh tak effect sangat. Just LAN connection tak leh guna dah langsung. Huuuhuuu…padan muka mama. Tu la…Alpa lagi. Tapi papa dah pergi jumpa dealer tuh, sebab warranty inclusive damaged by lightning. Harap2 hari ni dapat la tukar..

Oh ya..I’m on MC due to pain in my joint. Kat pangkal peha. The pain is soooo unbearable. Imagine this:

1) Lie down on your back. Straighten your leg. Then try to pull your knee up. Well right now I can’t even do that…huwaaa…

2) Lie down on your back. Then try pulling yourself to right or left side. Again…right now I can’t do that. If I lie down, then I have to bear for hours sleeping on my back. If I need to turn to left or right side. It’s either with helps from others or I have to bear the pains and turn side..

3) I still can drive at the moment. But imagine this. In order to get in car, I need to sit on driver seat (or passenger seat). Then using my hand, I have to pull my own leg up to sit nicely in car. Nak turun dari kereta jangan cakap la…uwaaaaa..

Tak pe la…terima jek ujian Allah nih. Maybe nak kifarah dosa-dosaku yang lalu. Mana tau bersalin sok senang kan. Right now dah banyak kali false alarm atau false contraction. Dua hari lepas asyik mengeras jek baby dalam ni, dan sakit pinggang mcm dah tiba masa. Atuk (my dad) siap kata, pegi jek la serah diri kat HUKM tuh. Tapi tanda tak turun lagi. Tak mau la pegi, kang kena check memacam lagi. Tak best…uhuksss

I did go to tukang urut to help subsided the pain. Alhamdulillah mmg subside sikit. Still sakit but boleh la tahan. But then when I started to do housework or anything related to movement. Lama kelamaan.. sakit tuh datang balik. And now.. mmg tak tertahan la..

As for the baby inside, Alhamdulillah last Tuesday, gynae kata semua OK. Harap2 OK la sampai bersalin dan selepas melahirkan. But then judging from papa’s look n eyes, I know he was hoping I’ll give birth earlier as he can’t bear to see the pain I’m going through. Don’t worry papa, you have been so much helped!! Almost 80% of childcare and housework papa buat since we knew I’m pregnant. What else yang mama nak papa tolong. Nothing. Just be by my side like you always do. Love...