Tuesday, December 23, 2008

For Change Will Do You Good? ..

'The Change We Need' kata campaign Mr. Barrack Obama. Just now while I lay down and breastfeed Rayyan, something came across my mind. Change... again kata campaign Mr.Obama 'Change Can Happen'. Teringat blog nih... sgt simple, sangat tak de ape2 lah pendekata nyer. But I love my blog dearly, for me that's the utmost important thing (sape tak sayang blog wehh...). I created the blog at first solely as I need a place to pour thought, to put in 'canvas' what I have in mind. There's time when I just sat and look blankly at my blog layout. The thought of changing the layout does come and go, sesekali mcm angin menderu gitu. But then I think, hmmm....like my brother motto 'Let It Be'.. So terbatal la niat nk wat layout lawa2.. Nak tukar gambar Dina and Azalea kat atas tu pon mcm terbantut.

Atau, adakah I'm the type of person who has a very hard time to change? setia? tak pasti. But then when I did blog hopping.. terlintas juga perkara yang sama. Tukar layout? Its like 'To Be or Not to Be' matters. Its like you have a house, and was thinking. Mau cat baru ke tak mau.. Not that I am that lazy to do it. Tapi hati terasa sangat berat. And I was thinking, if I change the layout..because I wanted to change them or because I wanted to let the other blogger 'cuci mata' with the whole new layout? Then, terus lagi rasa tak nak tukar layout, sebab dulu mula2 buat blog untuk diri sendiri. Tak bagitahu org pon ada blog..hehe.. Even papa pun tak tahu, then only find out coz I leave the browser idle.

Actually there's a lot of things in life that I found hard for me to change. My habit for example, suka tangguh kerja. So jadi delayed... pastu kalau org paksa2. Lagi rasa malas nk buat, the more people push me..the more delayed the task. Everything will be 'in progress'. Tapi kalau org x push, pandai lak siap..huhuu...
And I'm married to the same type of person, so memang tunggang-langgang hidup kami. But guess what, I love my life. Even my dear friend Ezni tanyer, 'Tak mo fly ke? belajar oversea pulak?', jawapan no 1 : mmg tak layak rasanyer. Jawapan no 2 : rasa sayang dengan kehidupan sekarang. And if possible, I wanted to stay like this. Tapi mana mungkin kan?

Teringat my very bestfriend Ijah, back then in high school, (kat Malaysia its secondary school laa...pandai jek taruk high school ;p). Masa tu gaduh2 dengan sorg schoolmate nih, she accused me of something. Ijah menjadi peneman setia, we went to meet her. And I explained to her my arguement when then she suddenly said 'kau dah banyak berubah'... And out of blue, I said 'we have to change to face life'. Habis jek sesi buli org tu...oppsss sessi 'slowtalk' tuh. Ijah ckp ' Ja, aku suka la..betullah "we have to change to face life" kan?'..

Err...I think I have to postponed this entry.... haha

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